After a month in the beautiful country of Ecuador and 14 years in the amazing country that is the great U.S. of A, I have decided to draw some comparisons for our less traveled readers. I’m not technically advanced enough to make a flow chart so bear with me.  Lets begin with the sole topic which has driven me (almost) to the point of insanity: food.



While the cost of daily living here is much lower than in the US,  so are our options. With the typical menu of either grilled meat or chicken served with potatoes and rice, finding a variety of foods is a difficult task. With a bit of persistence and many tears we eventually went to Chinese food (much to the dismay of my stomach).  Although I do miss twizzlers more than anything, I have to say the grilled plantains at the side of the street are to die for.


Winner: I mean really??? America



This country is filled with the kindest, most hospitable people I’ve ever met. They constantly forget themselves to make other people comfortable. The men and women work so hard and are rewarded with so little, its heart-wrenching to watch.


Sorry, too busy stuffing my face in Sushi to care. ily

Winner: Ecuador

While the score is tied, we will have a tie breaker next week. Stay tuned.



5 thoughts on “America vs. Ecuador- Mimi”

  1. Hey, Goldsteins! We miss you at McD, but I am loving your posts and the photos! What adventures you’ve had already and you haven’t even been gone one month! Keep up the awesome work, fun, and posting! Travel safely! Love to Mimi and Lena from the Upper School!

  2. Mimi- after many hours on the phone with Lena hearing you cry in the background over Chinese food, or being at your house only to find that dinner is not steak a la Andrew but, rather, take-out Chinese food, I imagine you’re close to dying. soy sauce is in the next care package, as well as twizzlers (you have to share sorry i don’t make the rules) xo austin

  3. Mimi,
    So glad to hear the comparisons and that yearning for the greatest country…. Well, that’s us of course! We love and miss you! Chin up! We will pack you twizzlers with a new infused fried rice flavor, upon returning in January! Ly Dr.L and fam.

  4. Intellectual curiosity and viewing the world through different eyes;
    you are giving your children a glorious gift.

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