It’s awesome to say that you’ve been to a ancient wonder of the world so I was super excited. For those who don’t know, Machu Picchu is an amazing ancient Inca city of ruins, which is on top of a mountain. Machu Pichu means old mountain in Quechua, the Inca language. The Inca temples are amazing. The stones are perfectly cut, stacked without mortar and are much heavier and bigger than my family combined. They’re huge! It took 50 years to build it with many people. There are aqueducts, fountains, stone compasses(ish), and water mirrors. When we lined up our phone compass with the holiest southern cross rock, it was perfect. They also farmed on terraces so that they could have the most effective agriculture especially on the steep mountain cliffs. I think the coolest thing I learned was that Machu Picchu wasn’t ever found by the Spanish, and because the Inca people were still building when they died, scientists and archeologists think that they contracted an illness, probably malaria. Overall we had an amazing visit!


5 thoughts on “Machu Picchu -Julia”

  1. Julia,
    You are adorable and I loved reading your description of Machu Picchu .
    Your beautiful smile exudes happiness.
    Miss you and sending lots of hugs to fam.

  2. Hi Julia,
    You are a very good writer I really enjoyed your website and learning about your adventures I can not wait to see you and hear all about your trip!

    Love your best freind
    Alexa Wahba

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